Do not be disheartened by the mistakes and sins of your past, for the past is the past. In the very moment that you seek My forgiveness, in the very instant that you call out to Me, I immediately grant My forgiveness, and there is no more need to worry or fear or carry the burden yourself.

If you were to stand before Me now, you would be so engulfed and overwhelmed by My love that all the hurts and pain and misunderstandings of the past and the present would completely vanish. So great is My love for you that there is no room for sorrow or condemnation. If you were standing before Me, you would feel only total acceptance and total love, because you would know that all is forgiven. I wash away all fear; there is no fear in My love.

Even though you are still in your human body, trust that My love for you is no less at this moment than it will be when you stand before Me. I am always with you, even though now you only see through a glass darkly.1 You are My dear one, My beloved.

  1. See 1 Corinthians 13:12 KJV.