I recently read an article about how the sound of certain words can affect our emotions. Unsurprisingly, words like accept, bountiful, embrace, glow, humor, laugh, play left the subjects feeling positive. In the same way, hearing the name of a loved one can make us feel happy. Try it! Close your eyes and say the name of someone you love dearly. Didn’t that make you smile?

When I hear “Jesus,” I can’t help but smile. The mere sound of His name brings up everything that He is—my closest friend, an ever-present guide and conscience, the source of my strength, and a true confidant who knows even my innermost fears, hopes, and thoughts.

The Bible encourages us to pray about everything. 1 I try to take that advice quite literally, and as a result, Jesus takes on many roles in my life. He becomes my financial adviser who helps me budget for a big purchase; He becomes a realtor when I am looking for the right house; He even becomes a chef when I have to cook for a large gathering. And I feel that’s what He wants—to be a part of every bit of my life.

A few days ago, I was mulling over an important personal decision. Whatever I decided would be irrevocable and have long-lasting consequences. I felt the pressure and responsibility growing. As I was trying to come to a conclusion, I suddenly heard a voice inside me say, Why worry? Jesus is here! The sound of His name changed my entire perspective. I remembered that Jesus wanted to help me decide, and that if I asked Him, I could trust that He would guide me on the right path.

I often find myself humming a song I learned when I was little. My favorite line goes, “There is power, power in the name of Jesus.” As I’ve grown up, I’ve realized how true this is. We all have nice names. Our parents gave us beautiful names in the hopes we would live up to them. However, Jesus’ name carries His unique purpose within. “Jesus,” meaning “God with us,” reflects His identity, His divinity, His purpose as our world’s Savior.

And that’s why His name is so precious. Jesus—it’s all in the name! 2

  1. See 1 Thessalonians 5:17.
  2. See Philippians 2:10–11; Hebrews 13:15; 1 John 2:12.