On the night Jesus was born, Luke tells us that there were shepherds out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks. An angel appeared to announce the birth of the Savior, and then the sky was lit with a multitude of angels praising God and saying “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”1

That night signaled a new beginning in the relationship between God and humanity. Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem was the end of an era dominated by brokenness and the dawning of a new chapter filled with healing, forgiveness, and the promise of redemption and a fresh start to all who receive Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Christmas is a festive occasion, but it can also be a time for reflection, discovery, and change. I bet the shepherds’ lives were never the same after that night, and neither have the lives of countless billions been the same since.

On a personal level, this illustration of new beginnings is applicable to my own life. After around a dozen years involved in the production of the Activated magazine, this is my last issue as editor. But don’t worry. Activated will be back next month, with Gabriel and Sally García as editors, and I look forward to continuing to follow its story.

From myself, and on behalf of everyone at Activated, may you have a very happy Christmas and a new year filled with God’s blessings and care!

  1. Luke 2:14