The Bible tells of a group of people who attempted an ambitious building program. Sadly for them, work on the world’s first skyscraper—the Tower of Babel—had unforeseen consequences. In fact, they got themselves into quite a mess. 1

Things don’t always work out like you anticipate, no matter how well you prepare or how adequate your resources are. After all, it might not be a good plan at all; and even if it is, there’s no way of knowing what the future holds. 2 But that isn’t the full picture. While first attempts can lead to disappointment, they can also lead to success and fulfilment:

Someone had to be the first to try it. The sight of powdery flakes on the ground was a puzzle for the people of Israel, hungry and discouraged on their long wilderness journey, but the first taste of manna was a pleasant surprise. It was the beginning of better things to come. 3

The master of a wedding feast was amazed when he took his first taste of the miracle wine. It had started as water, but Jesus had created a delicious, high-quality drink—and quite a stir in the process. What a beginning to a dramatic ministry! 4 “What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.” 5

When Jesus sent His followers out on the road, they didn’t really know what to expect of this first faith trip. They could have easily been afraid of unforeseen consequences and missed the opportunity. But they went out as instructed and later returned jubilant. 6

As we take our first steps into 2015, let’s remember that first taste of manna, that first sip of wedding wine, that first journey following Jesus’ instructions. Let’s look to God for His leading, ask Him for the courage to try something new, and then with faith in our hearts, place our feet confidently on the road ahead.

  1. See Genesis 11:1–9.
  2. See James 4:13–15.
  3. See Exodus 16:13–15,31.
  4. See John 2:1–11.
  5. John 2:11 NIV
  6. See Luke 10:1,17.